Monday 14 November 2011

Online Journalism Should be Controlled

Online journalism refers to news content produced or distributed through internet or World Wide Web, Particularly material created by journalist who works for mainstream market driven news organization. Urban dictionary define online journalism as the art of making up a story with something that sounds like idea but isn’t, and then spending the entire time writing about how your speculative idea would play out, if it had any basis, delivered via World Wide Web.
Nowadays people prefer online news rather than conventional news because we can read all the mainstream newspaper via online. Online journalism is the popular form freedom of expression where people can write, comment as nobody can control them. But some misused the unrestricted form.
If we look at one edge, we can see that online journalism if it unrestrained, it create chaos among the community. For example, the usage of word “Allah” to replace the word “God” and “lord” by non-Muslim in their official newspaper has been object by Muslim because they feared to cause confusion among the Muslim as a whole.(

Furthermore, some of the bloggers writing are too radical and can disrupt the harmony of nation. Just as the case of Malaysian bloggers, Khairul Nizam Abd Ghani or “ Aduka Taruna”  who insulted late sultan Johor, Sultan Iskandar ibni  Almarhum Sultan Sultan Ismail . The most surprising is when the video of Datuk seri Anwar Ibrahim sodomized Saiful Bukhari have been uploaded on Youtube. Whether it’s true or not, this kind of video and picture should not been uploaded because is all about the pride and dignity of people.

According to former TV station journalist at NTV7, Joshua Wong Ngee Chong, he said that “in any ethical dilemma, for instance censorship and political interference, we must always ask ourselves the purpose as journalist. We must minimize harm and act independently”. Many of the bloggers and web based reporters around the world are jailed due to their writing. (
Ethical concern in online journalism is the way the information and photo can be right to use around the world. This mean by any mistake and violating ethical will be more damaging and extensive. Hyperlink for an example is helpful tool in online journalism but can lead to potential problem, as the web page they link to may be inaccurate, offensive, or inappropriate. In this situation internet must be monitored and users must know what type of online journalism they should select. Dilemma in online journalism there is conflicts between instant publish or waiting for the news whether it is accurate or not. News updates are often posted as they happen which allows early access to information but sometimes it may be inaccurate news.
In conclusion, online journalism has to be monitored by government and multimedia act because some of the news are inaccurate and can harm the harmony of the nation. Prevention is better than cure.

Wednesday 26 October 2011


Saya terpanggil untuk mengulas artikel ini yang ditulis oleh Dr. Rahmat Ghazali, seorang pensyarah kewartawanan di UiTM Shah Alam. Dunia siber merupakan dunia sempadan dimana manusia dapat mencari maklumat dan informasi dengan cara yang mudah dan pantas hanya dihujung jari. Namun dengan adanya kemudahan seperti ini, ramai yang telah menyalahgunakan dunia siber seperti menyebarkan fitnah, melontarkan kemarahan kepada individu mahupun organisasi tertentu dan sebagainya. Ini tidak sepatutnya berlaku dimana kita merupakan bangsa yang beragama dan bertamadun.

Akta komunikasi dan multimedia 1998 (AKM 1998) dengan jelas mencatatkan “ Tiada apa-apa jua dalam akta ini boleh ditafsirkan sebagai membenarkan penapisan internet (AKM 1998:3:3). Namun begitu, kita harus ingat jaminan ini bagi membuka ruang kepada pelabur antarabangsa menjayakan projek hub ICT di Cyberjaya dan Putrajaya ketika zaman pemerintahan mantan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad. Kemunculan internet disambut dengan gembira dan diguna secara habis-habisan bagi sesetengah pihak kerana internet lebih interaktif jika dibandingkan dengan media tradisional seperti suratkhabar dan majalah.  

Kebebasan berinternet merupakan medium untuk berkongsi maklumat, idea dan berhubung bagi membolehkan rakyat Malaysia duduk sama rendah berdiri sama tinggi dengan bangsa lain yang lebih maju dalam teknologi. Amatlah mendukacitakan apabila ada segelintir golongan yang cuba merosakkan keharmonian hidup di Malaysia dengan mencaci, menghasut, dan menggunakan kata yang kesat. Mereka seperti lupa dengan aspek kandungan dalam internet seperti yang terdapat dalam Akta Fitnah, Akta Hasutan, Akta Rahsia Rasmi, dan Akta keselamatan Dalam Negeri.

Kebiadaban dunia siber menunjukkan kita cenderung kepada perkara negatif dan pemikiran yang sempit. Iran merupakan negara yang dipimpin oleh singa baru dunia Islam iaitu Presidennya, Ahmadinejad telah menyekat “ Facebook” dan mengharamkan carian “Google” kerana mahu mencegah rakyat negara itu daripada menerima anasir negatif dari luar khususnya.

Apa yang lebih membimbangkan kerajaan ialah, wujudnya sentimen perkauman yang boleh menjejaskan imej negara dan juga memporak-perandakan keharmonian negara. Contohnya seperti isu yang dicetuskan oleh seorang penulis blog yang menghina Almarhum Sultan Johor yang mangkat.  Tidak salah rasanya jika kerajaan memandang lebih serius perkara ini dan meminda akta yang sedia.

Kebebasan berinternet haruslah digunakan secara lebih beretika dimana manusia dikurniakan akal yang waras oleh Allah untuk berfikir dan bertindak dimana setiap tindak-tanduk kita ada akibatnya.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Super Duper Yummy Shortbread

·         2 sticks butter, cut into small pieces, plus more for preparing pans
·         2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for preparing pans
·         2/3 cup sugar
·         1/2 teaspoon salt
Caramel Layer:
·         2 (14-ounce) cans sweetened condensed milk
·         2 tablespoons butter
Chocolate Topping:
·         3/4 pound good-quality milk chocolate
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Butter 2 (8-inch) square nonstick pans and coat with flour, tapping off excess. Place the flour, sugar and salt in a food processor and pulse once. Add butter and pulse until mixture resembles peas. Press the shortbread mixture into prepared pans and bake until golden brown around the edges, about 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool completely.
Caramel Layer:
In a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium-low heat, combine the condensed milk and 2 tablespoons of butter. Slowly bring the mixture to a boil, stirring continuously. Continue stirring over the heat until mixture becomes thick and amber in color, about 15 minutes. Pour the caramel over the cooked shortbread and spread evenly using an offset spatula. Cool to room temperature.
Chocolate Topping:
In a glass bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water, melt the chocolate. Once chocolate has melted, pour it over the cooled caramel layer. Cool at room temperature for about 10 minutes, and then place in the refrigerator to cool completely, allowing chocolate to slightly harden but not get hard. Cut into 2-inch squares and enjoy, or store in an airtight container, at room temperature, or my favorite - keep in the refrigerator for a yummy sweet and cool treat! 

I love baking so much especially when my family enjoyed eating it..I’ve tried this shortbread recipe and it taste totally awesome..Unfortunately I don’t have the picture..This recipe was taken from 5…

Saturday 8 October 2011

Open Up Your Mind

Last night I had chance Skype with my friend study in Germany…we shared many things and what I want to share is, she said, “first day she entered the class, her classmate thought she’s conservative as she wear hijabs”. They didn’t talk with her until one day she could answered all the question given by their lecturer. From that moment, they accept her as their classmate and invite my friend joined them hanging out…what am I trying to said is, we as Muslim must take this as a challenge and compete with them so that they won’t look down toward us.

Maha Suci Allah

           Ya Allah....betapa kagum-nya aku dengan kebesaranmu...baru aku tahu rupa-rupanya dalam tulang kita ada saluran darah..yang aku ingat selama ini, tulang hanyalah tulang yang berwarna putih...sungguh kompleks setiap ciptaan-mu..rugi betul kalau kita tak mengkaji quran dan sains..